English for Young Learners - Videos
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Learn Basic Phonic Vowels, Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu | English Pronunciation Practice | ESL
In this video, you will learn how to pronounce English vowels. This is how Americans pronounce vowels. Each vowel is illustrated for better understanding. You will first listen to Mark pronounce each vowel, then you will practice on your own. This will help you build your speaking skills. In the second part of this video, you will be asked what starts with …(Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu)? You will then give the correct answer. This is an interactive listening and speaking video. Have fun learning the sounds of the vowels and speak English now.
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In The Bathroom | At Home | English Speaking Practice | ESL | EFL
In this video, you will learn vocabulary for the bathroom. All vocabulary is presented in conversation and language patterns. You will also learn the prepositions: on, behind and by. Each language pattern is illustrated for better understanding. In the second half of this video, you will practice on your own for English speaking and fluency building. This is an interactive listening and speaking video.
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Clothing and Colors | Singular Nouns | Vocabulary-Based Conversations | ESL | EFL
In this video, you will learn clothing and colors. Each sentence is illustrated for better understanding. Sentences are color coded so that you can see how the grammar is structured. With each vocabulary pattern, you will be able to repeat after Mark and will be able to practice on your own. This will help with your vocabulary, speaking and fluency skills.
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Everyday Actions | Past Tense Verbs | Set 1 | English Speaking Practice | ESL | EFL
In this video, you will learn important everyday actions in the past tense. In this video, there are several short English conversations to help you communicate in various situations. Learning these everyday actions will help you build fluency and confidence. Each conversation is illustrated for better understanding. Have fun and speak English now. This video is perfect for beginners and for those who want to review these important phrases.
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Count to 12 | Numbers | English Speaking Practice | ESL | EFL | ELL
Hello Everyone! In this video, you will learn to count to 12. You will also learn how to spell the numbers one to twelve. This video is great for kids and anyone learning English. In the second part of this video, you can practice on your own for English speaking practice and for fluency skills.
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